Corporate Health and Wellness Programme
Health and wellness in the workplace is a key strategy for every forward-thinking business, with business leaders’ and employees’ health being the barometer of a corporation’s vitality. How a company copes with constantly unprecedented demands in the workplace depends on whether the individuals have the physical strength to do so, coining the phrase the Corporate Athlete. This programme provides the information and tools to maximise your potential corporate health and strength by applying nutritional protocols designed for the elite athlete, creating a productive and resilient environment that improves the bottom line and where the corporate athlete can thrive inside and outside the corporate world.
With the return to the office, companies have never been more aware of the need to incentivise staff towards behaviours that support their long-term health, and corporations who actively do so will retain and maintain the breadth and depth of experience to promote stable long-term business strategies. By supporting an elite athlete performance environment corporations will create a workplace that fosters health and wellness and be rewarded by improved effectiveness and productivity.
Health and wellness programmes in the workplace are some of the best ways to have the biggest impact on negative lifestyle and food choices with healthy employees less likely to take sick leave or have chronic diseases. With a resulting increase in productivity, there is also a reduction in workplace injuries and compensation claims and it can measurably improve employee morale, staff retention and recruitment, making your corporation the right place for the best candidates.
Strategies for the long term
This programme connects the daily health of employees’ at every available point, with educational presentations covering the broader foundations of nutrition with research-led information on its impact on brain function, stress and resilience, sleep and exercise, inflammation and recovery allowing them to challenge negative behaviours associated with “lifestyle diseases”.
Individual assessment of needs is carried out by information gathering to provide health risk assessments. With blood screening, questionnaires and follow-up consultations, employees will be able to access clinical information about their personal health, along with any illness susceptibilities and clear nutritional strategies to proactively prevent conditions from developing.
Additionally, individuals can expect monitoring and advice for the management of any pre-existing conditions and medical referrals for any new diagnosis by clinical nutritionists. If necessary, cessation programmes can be used along with effective stress management resources to tackle underpinning reasons for negative behaviour patterns.
Individuals will access tailored progressive exercise routines specific to their needs targeting their strengths and weaknesses. The programme encourages the use of interactive wearable tech and trackers and those taking part would find their use supports the longer-term behaviour changes necessary to achieve their goals. Participants will be taught how to make the most of these devices in understanding their own data to support effective goal setting. Improving understanding and use of wearable tech is an effective way to support positive weight management and has a long-term impact on body composition by embedding simple strategies associated with longer-term health and life trajectories.
Combining all of the above with individually tailored dietary and supplement programmes individuals can expect to be influenced and benefit from:
Improvement of muscle to fat ratio along with targets areas such as visceral fat, resulting in improved self-esteem and mental wellbeing.
Reversing the statistical effect of overfat employees tend to be less effective, with associated lowered productivity and increased likelihood of absence due to sickness and long-term negative health implications.
Exercise programmes building muscle mass, core strength and improved posture coaching improving registered days absent due to acute back pain.
Exercise programmes improving sleep, mental wellbeing and productivity.
Improving health parameters directly affects lipid results, reducing blood pressure, general cardiovascular health and toxicity whilst increasing nourishment for effective and healthy body function.
Utilising stress reduction techniques and mindfulness training supports adrenal health, increasing wellbeing and improves resilience and endurance.
Strategic and specific reduction of inflammation with increased capacity for injury recovery and overall health improves capacity to function effectively.
Increased active lifestyle with the short and long term associated psychological and social benefits.
Sleep improvement and reduction in fatigue resulting in improved cognition and stamina, supporting increased productivity.
Increased exercise and nutrition improves immune function with fewer days taken as sick leave and improved wellbeing.
Connected thinking regarding energy consumption enhancing food choices at work and at home to include digestion and detoxification, regulation of blood sugar and the reduction of oxidative stress improving overall health, stamina and mental cognition.
Reduction in addictive and disconnected behaviour patterns with plans for cessation of smoking, reduction of alcohol, sugar, sweets and confectionary improving every aspect of health.
Measurable positive results
As the programme progresses* so we expect to see the improvements in body composition data to have a corresponding effect on health and wellbeing. By using self-assessment tools including integrative wearable tech individuals can track their progress in a myriad of ways. From improvements in sleep to elevated mood states, self-assessment is a great way for the client to understand the broader positive effect these improvements are having and reporting back in consultations will ensure the tailored programme remains appropriately challenging for maximum benefit. At this stage employee satisfaction and morale should improve with better staff retention and reduction in staff absences. Productivity and effectiveness are seen to increase along with overall happiness and resilience and with these benefits individuals can progress to longer term goal setting and improved endurance to achieve these results.
*Recommended duration of the programme is for at least one year.
Measuring the corporate impact
Measuring the effectiveness of the programme is key to its success and the improved strength and resilience of the corporate athlete. We do this for the duration with consultations and reports including clinical analysis of blood screening and results, and progressive training programmes based on tracked movement information. Final analysis of this information is by comparative pre programme data including all body composition and health screening results, RAMAN scores, mental health and mood state questionnaire results, absentee data and staff retention forming the contents the programme’s impact assessment report .